Characteristics of Energy Efficient Air Conditioner

Characteristics of Energy Efficient Air Conditioner

During those incredible hot and long summer days those of you that own an air conditioner are very thankful. It can really take the edge off the day and also helps you sleep better at night. The one drawback is you might have a slight heart attack when you see your...
Ductless Split Air Conditioner Pros and Cons

Ductless Split Air Conditioner Pros and Cons

Ductless Split Air Conditioner Pros and Cons. Air conditioning has to be one of the best inventions that was ever designed and that is pretty cool since the process was discovered accidentally while trying to cool an industrial process. These days we have become...
Air Conditioner Troubleshooting

Air Conditioner Troubleshooting

Air conditioners are one of the greatest things ever invented; at least that is what someone will say for sure in the hottest days of summer. They do a great job of keeping you and your family cool at that time of year. It is hard to do any physical activity when it’s...
Why Add A Central Air Conditioning System To Your Furnace?

Why Add A Central Air Conditioning System To Your Furnace?

Furnaces have proved to be a huge step up in convenience over previous ways to heat a home. This is taken even one step further when it comes to purchasing the furnace unit with an air conditioning system for it too. Even though the summer season in Canada is not a...
50 Best Home Improvement Blogs

50 Best Home Improvement Blogs

Air Conditioning Edmonton is proud to present to you 50 Best Home Improvement Blogs. There is nothing scientific about how we selected the top 50 list, and they are not in any particular order. We just really, really liked these blogs whether we found them...