HVAC Systems: The Six Costly Misguided Beliefs You Can Avoid When we’re out making calls, we hear a lot of common myths from the homeowners we visit concerning HVAC systems. That’s why we decided to make this list of the most common misconceptions that you can avoid....
6 Tips On Making Sure Your Air Conditioner Is Ready For The Summer Is your air conditioner ready for the summer? The weather often shifts from ridiculously cold to suddenly hotter than ever. There is not much of a break between winter and summer when it comes to the...
At What Point Does it Make Sense to Stop Putting Money Into an Old Heating & Cooling System and Replace HVAC System? Heating and air conditioning systems can work for a long time if you properly maintain them. However, there comes a time when various components...
When the snow finally melts, and the grass begins to peak through a blanket of whiteness, Edmontonians let out a collective sigh of relief as another winter has passed. It’s easy to be optimistic about long days and sunshine, but the warm weather isn’t all...
While spring cleaning gets all the attention, some homeowners might be surprised to learn that winter cleaning is also one of the most important furnace services. Since you spend what seems like 95% of the winter months indoors, it’s important to vacuum the home...