Do You Require a Replacement Home Air Conditioner or Can You Repair Your Old AC?

It is either each winter season gets worse as each year passes, or we are all just advancing in age and can no longer tolerate the extreme cold. But nevertheless, we cannot hide our intense joy at the initial signs of Spring. We all breathe a sigh of relief as we shift back to our reliable home air conditioner to soothe us amidst our warming environment and give our dependable furnace a much-needed break. All of us are just too excited to have fun and frolic outside after being cocooned inside our homes for months.

As the Spring grass gradually turns green, and the beautiful and lively flowers start to bloom, it is the perfect time to take a closer look at your A/C. After all, it will be your lifesaver this coming summer. A/Cs usually start to experience some wear and tear problems while stored away in the attic or basement during the cold winter months. Hence, it is always a wise thing to do to check your Edmonton A/C unit first before turning it back on to find out whether repairs are needed. Or perhaps, the dreaded need for a replacement.


An idea you should look into before the temperature starts getting hot is not usually about getting a replacement, but mostly in considering whether an additional cooling unit can lighten the load off your main A/C. You will likely remember that the large window A/C you put in the middle of the room was not enough to cool down the entire place last summer, so you were stuck with hot and humid bedrooms at the back. Despite the presence of a central A/C system, you’ll realize that having a small window A/C in your bedroom will make the work of your main A/C’s compressor lighter. At times, the additional energy charges incurred by your extra window A/C pales in comparison to the damage caused on your main A/C and hasten its usual wear and tear. You will surely regret having to replace that pricier cooling device much sooner than expected. You will be glad to have that spare window A/C around so you will be able to extend the life of your central A/C system for up to five years more.


Even if you don’t evaluate how your central A/C fared the previous season or determine how it will do this summer,you can rely on this tell-tale sign to indicate that a replacement is inevitable. It is no other else than your unit’s old age. An A/C unit has a usual lifespan of 10 years. Some can push their luck and have it working for 15 years. However, you might run out of luck and end with a defective unit that can barely make it for three years. As your Edmonton A/C goes through its seventh, eight, to ninth year, you might be living it off a borrowed time. You can ask HVAC experts to do some necessary repairs to lengthen the life of your A/C for an additional year or two. But it strongly resembles using a duct tape to hold your broken door handle. It is a band-aid solution that will soon give up.


It is usually not a practical and environmentally wise-decision to replace a major appliance in the house like your central A/C before it stops working on its own. But then, it is not also environmentally friendly to continue using an inefficient A/C until it breathes out its last breeze of cool air. If you used to have a very busy A/C that kept your home cool and comfy as your children were growing up but now finds anempty home, it is time to make a downgrade. If no one is at your house during daytime, you will surely benefit from a programmable thermostat that will turn your vents on and off according to your home’s set schedule.

Likewise, it might also be necessary for you to make an upgrade if your children are around during Summer, or perhaps there will be guests around for a short vacation.Your window A/C that was perfect for your room will not likely be enough to cool down your home with around seven or eight people in it. But then, it might also be to your advantage since unwelcome guests will not prolong their visit and might leave as soon as they can.


One of the initial warning indicating that your A/C is nearing its end is when it starts making unusually loud, running sounds,or that it often breaks down. Faced with this circumstance, it is wiser and more practical to buy a new system altogether than pay for more or less twenty emergency or service calls and cost of new parts over the summer season. A loud A/C is indicative of a failing compressor, drive motor, fan, or some of its interior parts. You can always replace these items, but your HVAC system soon turns out into a money spending machine. Sometimes, you just have to learn to accept that it will no longer make it.


It does not take a genius to realize that a room that is no longer as cool as it once was requires a new A/C. As long as the reason is not a leak in your vents or a change in your air filter and a fluid check, an uncharacteristically warm room is a sign that you need an outright replacement. Or,perhaps a visit from your nearby Edmonton A/C serviceman.


Perhaps, the best and sure-fire way to know whether you need a repair or a replacement is by consulting an HVAC expert. A qualified HVAC serviceman can visit your home and inspect your unit from its compressor all the way to the duct work. They might also be able to inform you about leaks caused by gaps in your windows, or perhaps drafts by your door.It might be the probable reason the cold air escapes leading you to believe that you are having A/C issues. The rule of thumb is that it will never hurt to ask the opinion of an expert.

The most important thing you must bear in mind even after ensuring that your home air conditioner is in perfect condition by the onset of summer is to utilize it wisely. It is not good for the environment and your pocket if you waste energy or use it irresponsibly. One more useful tip you can also try during extremely warm days and energy consumption is at its peak is that bars and malls do not charge you for the use of their A/C. Make the most out of it, you might even have a great time without burdening your unit at home or your wallet.